What is the Pornstarnetwork?
Pornstarnetwork is a unique network that gives members access to multiple premium adult sites. Whatever sites you join in the network, you get instant access to all other sites. Every site is exclusive and loaded with original content. Only top quality! Our incredible team of hot models offers hot live shows, answers e-mails, is very present on the message board to discuss with the members, treating you like you're special and important, which you are.
One signup, one price and you get instant access to the highest standard of quality on the internet. Why wait?
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How do I join?
To join the Pornstarnetwork, go to any of our sites in the network and click on "Join now". If you want to have an easy access to over fifty-eight sites (and many more to come), covering every niche imaginable, it couldn't be easier. On the signup page, simply fill in your personal and banking information. Everything is clear and most of all, discreet and secure.
If you want to have more details on the prices and the sites you can get access to, click here.
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What are the member advantages?
- You get unlimited access to all our content and sites on the network.
- You get DVD quality movies and high resolution pictures.
- All of our content is downloadable so you can build your own collection.
- Exclusive content updated daily.
- Exclusive live show and special performances.
- And a lot more (see Pornstarnetwork section below )
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Does my membership auto-renew?
If you paid using your credit card or online check, we will automatically renew your membership each month, simply to make your life easier. If you are a trial member, you will, after two days, automatically upgrade to regular member status unless you don't want to become a member and cancel (steps to cancellation are a little further).
If you joined by check, cash or money order, ’you won't be automatically renewed: it means that you have to take care of your monthly payments or otherwise’ you will be automatically cancelled at the end of the month.
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How do I get my password?
If you've joined using a credit card, you get to choose your username and password (if it's already taken, we will advise you). Otherwise, one will be given to you. In any case, you will receive an e-mail confirming your username and password to the e-mail address you provided upon registration.
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I forgot my username or password?
Simply click here to retrieve your login. The information will be sent to the email address you provided at time of registration.
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I cannot login and I get a message about logging in from Quebec and/or elsewhere in Canada?
If you are trying to log in and cannot due to a message saying that we have detected you are logging in from Quebec and/or elsewhere in Canada, this is due to the tax regulations that we must adhere to. However, this could be an error and if you believe it is so, please contact us to let us know so that we can grant you the proper access to the network. Click here to submit a report.
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How do I cancel my membership?
If you've decided to cancel your membership, nothing could be easier. Just click here to advise our support staff. Your membership will automatically be cancelled when the next payment is due.
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What are the billing options?
I want to join using a credit card:
Nothing is more efficient! All you have to do is fill in your personal and banking information here.
Important: you can be assured that your transaction is totally safe and secure. All transactions are handled over 128 bits encrypted servers. If you wish to learn more about secure transactions, read a little further.
I want to join by online check (USA only):
Please click here to go back to the join page, check "Join by Check" and follow the instructions of our transaction merchant. Money will be taken out of your checking account every month.
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What name will appear on my credit card bill?
Discreet billing is a priority for many members. There will be no adult related mentions on your credit card statement. PSNsupport.com, CCBill or EPOCH will appear on your statement depending on the credit card processor.
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Do you sell or distribute my name to any third parties?
You don't need to worry because your privacy is completely guaranteed. We won't sell or give any of your information to anyone, nor your e-mail address. Discretion is a priority.
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How do I know my credit card transaction will be safe?
E-commerce holds an important place in today's economy. To ensure the growth of online transactions, the trust of customers is paramount. The adult industry is no exception. This is why HVL Cyberweb Solutions took several steps to deserve your confidence. Such measures include dealing with well-established transaction merchants, encrypting data, protecting your credit card number, offering discreet billing and adopting a solid privacy policy.
All memberships on our sites are billed by third-party transaction merchants, such as CCBill or Epoch.com. These are well-established companies that have dealt with adult and mainstream transactions for numerous years. Their expertise enabled them to build solid and secure billing systems for their clients.
Amongst these systems, the Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol has proven itself very efficient. SSL is designed to make use of TCP as a communication layer to provide a reliable end-to-end secure and authenticated connection between two points over a network (for example between the service client and the server). It uses an encryption key to prevent sensitive information from being intercepted and a digital certificate to establish a user’s credentials.
Another advantage of third-party billing is that our company never has access to your credit card number. We never see that number, at any point of the transaction, or even when checking up your account information. This reduces greatly the risks of fraud, information theft or mishandlings.
Also, these transaction merchants ensure you are billed discreetly, with no adult-related mentions. All that will appear on your statement is the name of the transaction merchant and a the name of our company, shortened to "HVL Cyber".
To further protect you, HVL Cyberweb Solutions has from the start adopted a Privacy Policy. Links towards this policy are available on most web pages of our network. In short, it states that we will not resell or share your information with other companies for marketing purposes.
All these features combine to provide the safest possible experience on our network. HVL Cyberweb Solutions makes protecting your security and privacy while browsing our sites a top priority. We respect the trust and confidence you show towards us. If you have further questions concerning these issues, please contact our customer support staff.
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What name will appear on my credit card for the live sex shows?
The live shows are free for the members. Nothing special will appear on your credit card statement for the live shows (except if you decide to get a private live show; but then again the procedure and the cost is well explained).
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What does my membership include?
You get instant access to over fifty sites for one low price. All the sites have different personalities and exclusive content: a wide selection of single girl sites such as Christine Young, Melissa Doll, Sweet Amylee, Cherry Potter, and many more. Pornstars sites such as the legendary Peter North and male performer of the year award winner Lexington Steele, DVD and producer sites such as Silverstone, Doghouse digital, Elegant Angel, Private, Brandon Iron production, Combat Zone, Mercenary Pictures...etc.
- You get tons of high resolution pictures.
- You get access to the biggest library of hardcore porn on the web
- You get downloadable MPG, MPEG4 and WMV movies.
- You get access to stream all the content on the site
- You get DVD quality movies.
- You get daily updates.
- You get interactive live shows from exclusive models.
- You can also use your Iphone or hand help to access the content
- You get secure and private transactions.
- You get dedicated customer support 7 days a week.
- You get all of this for $29.95 a month, or take advantage of our super deal for $59.95 for 90 days or a full year for only 89.50$ (7.45$/month)
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How good is your picture quality?
Here, all you get is premium quality. We treat all our members right. You get professional quality photo sets 1024 x 768 pixels (high resolution). Every week, we will update the network with many new picture sets.
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How do I download the pictures?
At the bottom of each picture set, there's a link: Download Pictures Set in Zip File. Click on that link and you will start to download the full photo set in a zip format. Unzip the content and extract it on your computer.
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Do you have lots of movies?
We have close to 10 000 scenes in the network. We also update the network every day with 10 new scenes. We have one of the biggest porn library on the web.
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How do I download the movies?
Simply click on the download button under the flash player. You will be asked to select the format and the part or full movies. Select one and you will start to download. You can start creating your own collection of favourite videos/models. All movies are downloadable in full screen quality. Windows Media Player 9 or higher is required. Download it here. Choose between low speed and high speed to maximise the quality of your connection.
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I have a Mac. Will it play the videos?
Yes, no problem. Mac users can view and download our videos, and even save them to their hard disk in the MPG format.
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Do you have any live shows?
Yes we do and it's free if you are a member (except if you choose to have a private live show).
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How do I stream the movies on the site?
In order to stream content directly from the site, you need to have a broadband Internet Connection such as DSL or Cable. Unfortunately, dial-up connections are too slow for streaming good quality video. Next, you will have to download and install the Adobe Flash Player plug-in. Click here to download plug in: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ once installed, restart your computer then log back into the site, select a movie or scene and click on the play arrow. Also, a lot of player use a codec for the encryption of the video. You player might not have that latest version. Here's a link to download a codec player. http://www.divxmovies.com/codec/
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I can hear the audio, but I can't see any video, how do I fix this?
It is most likely due to the fact that you are missing the DivX codec on your PC. You can download it for free from DivX's official site here. Once downloaded, install it and restart your computer. You should then be able to play the movies you downloaded without a problem.
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Still can't stream even after installing Adobe Flash Player
Open Internet Explorer, click on the "Tools" menu and go to "Internet Options". You will see a window pop up with 7 tabs on the top, click on the tab that says "Security". Be sure the icon that says "Internet" is selected and set the slider on the bottom to medium, then go to the "Privacy" tab on the top and adjust the slider to medium as well. Now click on "Ok" at the bottom of the window. Close all of your Internet Explorer windows including this one and then open a fresh browser.
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What do I do if the streaming movies pause every few seconds?
First, you need to have a broadband internet connection such as DSL or Cable. Dial-up connections are too slow for streaming good quality video.
Next, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed. To make sure, just download it and install it again. It will install over your current (and possibly outdated) version. You can get the latest version here.
If the movie is still freezing every few seconds after making sure you have the latest version, try waiting 30 seconds before clicking the play button again. That should give the player enough time to buffer enough video in advance to play without stopping.
If the movie still keeps pausing, you can also switch to the low quality format. You find the button on the player of the content (Low). The compression will be not as good but the speed will be a lot better. This should reduce the pausing when you are watching a video.
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What is the difference between the WMV, MPEG, MPEG4 and iPod/PSP formats?
The main difference is the file compression.
MPEG is an old format, but is the most widely used and can be viewed on both PCs and Macs, however the file size is much larger than the other formats.
MPEG4 is a modern format, but you'll need to download a new movie player such as the latest version of Quicktime from www.quicktime.com or Winamp from www.winamp.com. The file compression is extremely good while still maintaining good quality video. Older computers may have trouble viewing this format and as a result, the picture may be "jumpy" on such systems.
WMV also has better compression than the MPEG format. Anyone running a Windows PC using Windows Media Player is able to view this format. If you're a Mac user and would like to use the WMV format, download and install the free movie player Flip4Mac at www.flip4mac.com.
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What are access keys?
The access key is a random string of computer generated letters. It should appear right before the text field where you have to retype it. If you cannot see the letters, please make sure that your cookies are activated and that security settings on your computer are at a minimal. To enable your cookies: click tools---internet options... ---privacy-
advanced --- and accept all kind of cookies.
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Why can't I open more than one session at a time?
Only one session is allowed by user. This procedure is necessary to ensure the best service to our members by preventing password sharing or theft.
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Make Sure Your E-mail Won't Filter Us!
Check our list below if you do not already know how to remedy the issue with spam, bulk, or junk mail folders.
Some email providers filter messages based on content, subject line, or the sender's address and may put your email into the a bulk or junk mail folder. Please make sure @pornstarnetwork.com is on your "approved sender" list or "whitelist" and/or in your "address book." Occasionally an ISP will institute mail controls that block your email completely without your knowledge. We often do not even receive notice of such a block. The only solution to this problem is for you to be aware what triggers your ISPs blockage and make sure they understand you want to receive our email.
Spam Blockers/Filters and Email Software
If you have recently installed a new email software or a new program to help defeat, make sure you check the settings. The "defaults" are often much more restrictive than you might wish. Please see our very general suggestions to get started.
Checking for Lost Mail
AOL Users:
Please check your "Spam" folder. If you find our email there, select the confirmation message and click "This is Not Spam." This will help future messages to get through. To avoid accidentally filtering our future messages:
1. Click Mail in the toolbar at the top of your AOL window
2. Select Block Unwanted Mail
3. Click Custom Sender List
4. Select Allow only the senders and domains listed below
5. Enter this domain @pornstarnetwork.com
6. Click Save
Hotmail Users:
Please check your "Junk email" folder. If you find our email there, select the confirmation message and click "Not Junk." This will help future messages to get through. To avoid accidentally filtering our future messages:
1. Click Mail, then Options (next to the Help link)
2. Click Junk email Protection
3. Click Safe List
4. Enter this domain: @pornstarnetwork.com
5. Click Add
Yahoo Users:
Please check your "Bulk Mail" folder. If you find our email there, select the confirmation message and click "Not Spam." This will help future messages to get through.
Gmail Users:
Please check your "Spam" folder. If you find our email there, select the confirmation message and click "Not Spam." This will help future messages to get through.
Outlook 2003 Users:
1. Select Actions from the top menu bar, then select Junk email followed by Junk email Options.
2. Select Safe Senders, then Add.
3. Type @pornstarnetwork.com and click OK.
4. Type and click OK.
5. Click OK.
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